Addiction, as defined by Addiction Center, is a chronic, relapsing brain disease characterized by a physical and psychological dependence on drugs, alcohol or a behavior. Consider these statistics:
The most startling statistic of all is that only 10% of people struggling with addiction issues receive help (Addiction Center). That means 90% of individuals with addiction issues do not seek help. Research has identified the two main rationales behind not seeking treatment – stigma and fear.
Becoming dependent on drugs and alcohol can happen to anyone. Unfortunately, individuals that struggle with substance misuse and abuse often feel stigmatized for their addiction. They have a fear of being ostracized and/or overlooked by their community, a fear of facing disciplinary and/or retaliatory action in the workplace, or have a fear of abstinence. The thought of abstaining from using can be overwhelming to a person that has become dependent upon a substance. These fears stop individuals from ever taking the first steps toward recovery.
The Heritage CARES Program is designed to help those struggling with substance misuse and abuse at any stage of their recovery journey.
youturn: our digital learning management system has an extensive library of video content designed to help users and their families navigate substance misuse and abuse. It is completely confidential and allows users to receive the help they need in private. The platform is evidence-based and focuses on behavioral modification and harm reduction.
The Heritage Care Management platform helps assess the user’s current situation then design a plan that best achieves their recovery goals. Our platform uses digital learning and artificial intelligence to identify and promote educational videos based on the user’s viewing history.
The Heritage Peer Coaching platform allows users the opportunity to engage with a state-certified, Assertive Community Engagement (ACE) coach. ACE coaches help guide users along their journey to reach the goals set forth in the Care Management plan. They are trained via the Heritage CARES coaching academy, a NAADAC approved educational provider, and can identify which community resources and programs best fit the situation. Coaches are available 24/7 to help with any issues that may arise.
Find more resources on our Addiction Support Program.