Pharmacy Benefit Management | PBM

We understand that spending on prescription drugs continues to rise and managing those costs is critical to your success.

Heritage Health Solutions is your pharmacy benefit management expert. We will help make sure that members obtain the prescriptions they need at prices you can afford. Our nationwide network of credentialed retail, mail, and specialty pharmacies ensures convenient access to the medications your members need. Our goal is to proactively identify cost savings opportunities and then create customized solutions to manage them.

*PBM services are provided through a licensed Pharmacy Benefit Manager

We monitor trends in the industry to stay ahead of the cost curve. We also provide education and clinical programs to ensure adherence to medication therapy and optimal outcomes that lower long-term costs. Lastly, we utilize industry proven tools and solutions to reduce drug costs through multiple channels, including:

  • Encourage use of generics
  • Formulary management
  • Negotiate rebates from drug manufacturers
  • Clinical programs that drive adherence and reduce waste
  • Drug utilization reviews

Our Account Management team works closely with you to analyze drug spend, provide insight to industry trends, and tailor solutions to fit your specific needs.

Our URAC certification and high satisfaction scores attest to the high-quality, patient-focused services that we provide.