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TeleMAT Services

TeleMAT Services

Our experience working in the correctional and public sectors has allowed us to understand unique health care challenges and develop innovative addiction support programs to support unique patient populations.


Studies show early use of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid dependency increases a patient’s compliance during their incarceration and willingness to continue the treatment after release.


Only 5% of medical providers are licensed to prescribe the appropriate medication for MAT therapy.

Heritage’s TeleMAT Services is a comprehensive solution that addresses addiction in inmate populations. By providing a jail facility with convenient, 24-hour access to properly licensed medical providers, without having to leave the facility, ensures the safety of personnel, reduction in associated health care costs, and reduction in recidivism.


Heritage medical providers hold a valid DEA X Waiver the allows them to prescribe appropriate medications for patient treatment, virtually.


Heritage provides monthly counseling with a medical provider​. This can include substance abuse counseling, if not available on site​.

Case Management

Heritage coordinates the clinical information and care services for all patients. Case managers will work with formerly incarcerated patients upon their release for the plan of continuation of TeleMAT care​. Continuity of care is paramount in reducing recidivism rates in jail facilities.

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